Three Things You Can Do To Find Solid Ground

There are times when the environment feels chaotic, there are dozens of things vying for our attention and at the same time we’re swimming in a soup of wanting to achieve our goals. When we go through the motions, get by on a day to day basis and time slips, we lose that feeling of certainty. That feeling of solid ground knowing where you are, where you want to go and how to get there.

You don’t have to wait for a new week, a new month or a new year to reset, refocus and rebalance to find solid ground again. You can do it any day, any time so let’s look at few things you can do to find solid ground in your business.

Take a reality check

When things do get chaotic around us it’s easy to slip into a reactive mode of operating. When everything feels like a knee-jerk reaction, it’s time for a reality check. Take some time out to reflect on the areas where you’re being reactive. Take it from me, living in reactive operator mode is draining and sometimes leads to indecisiveness on the important things or even making decisions you wouldn’t have if things were calm and collected.

In reactive operator mode you’re busy responding to things, doing this and that and putting out dumpster fires. The big, important things are taking a backseat and you’ll be left spinning your wheels instead of moving towards your goals.

What can you do?

There’s a tool I love to use in my business and with business coaching clients, it’s called the Eisenhower Matrix. I’ve made a template for you to grab, click the link here and make a copy of the doc. Taking yourself for coffee and going through this matrix is a powerful self-coaching exercise that will be worth your weight in truffles.

Review and reflect

Now that everything is out of your mind and you’ve created some bandwidth, reflect, review and refocus. And yes, I’ve lumped that into one thing. It sounds meaty but this doesn’t have to be complicated. What is fundamental to your business success is being grounded in clarity and having clear focus.

What can you do?

Give yourself the time to reflect and create space and place to see where you can gleam insights and where course corrections are needed. You can create a ritual around this, it could be monthly or if things feel really crazy right now then make it weekly to start with.

I’ve created prompts to make this reflect, review and refocus easy. Grab a copy of the worksheet here and schedule time to go through the exercise.

Do the things

The last thing, and this may sound obvious but I’ll say it anyway - take action. And it doesn’t need to be bold, massive action like landing on the moon. It start with deleting that app which is distracting you from the work you need to do. It could be doing those sales follow-up calls.

What can you do?

Based on your Eisenhower matrix and your reflection session, you know which things will move you towards your goal and you know where course corrections are needed. For the time being until things become more stable, do the one, two or three things every single day that are going to create movement and momentum. Do them first. Make them non-negotiable.

If you need help with planning that out, grab my 90 Day Success Planner for some guidance.

If you do these three steps, I promise you my friend that you will grow your business on purpose from a space and place that is grounded and where you feel in control. That's where you will create unshakeable growth and success.

By all means, if you need a little help with these things or it might make it less daunting then speak to a friend, speak to a business partner. And if a little outside help will help you to move forward faster, then chat to a business coach. If you like the tools I’ve shared, then that business coach could be me! Let's chat.

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