As a coach or consultant, hitting that six-figure revenue mark is a huge milestone. Yet the reality is that only 6% of entrepreneurs achieve this level of success in their businesses (Kauffman Foundation). If you want to be part of the elite 6% with a prosperous six-figure coaching business, you need an inside look at what it really takes.

The key message here is that the minority of the business population never hit six figures. And what's interesting is that once upon a time the Facebook algorithm made it unpopular to talk about $100,000 and $1,000,000. This led to the big gurus online switching to phrases like six-figures, and seven-figures. What is funny to watch is that if you believed the hype out there, you'd think it was the majority of business owners hitting those lofty heights.

If you're comparing yourself to others online, please don't. You might be comparing your chapter one to someone else's chapter twenty.

Comparison is the thief of joy

President Theodore Roosevelt

What does hitting $100k in business mean?

For many people, hitting those six figures is a key milestone when you leave corporate and go out alone. And it's a clear, smart objective and we're taught that when we set goals.

Let’s put our egos aside for a moment. We leave the safety of corporate or want to go it alone for reasons bigger than money. We don’t want to be limited by a job title or pander to the definition of success, and we know there’s more available to us than climbing some ladder that’s probably leaning up against the wrong wall.

It's about creating freedom, whatever freedom means to you.

Freedom might be having security, it might be setting your own hours so you can be at school pick-up, freedom might be paying your mortgage while travelling, freedom might be hiring a VA so you can have more free time, or it might be looking at the menu in a restaurant without looking at the prices. It could be so many things.

Building a $100k business makes many of those freedoms accessible. But it’s not just a number. The goal of business is to make money. And the purpose of business is to help you fulfil your potential and live the dream life you deserve.

In my new ebook "The Path to $100k Profits", I pull back the curtain and share the unfiltered truth about how I went from zero to over $100k in profit within six months of starting my coaching business. No fluff, no hype - just the raw journey mapped out in detail.

On my journey to building a six-figure coaching business, this is what I'm sharing:

  • How I grew my coaching and consulting business to $100k profit in six months

  • The business model, value ladder and pricing exactly as it was when I started out

  • The lessons and revelations, things I would do again and not do again

  • How I got my first five clients

  • The tech stack I used to start out

That's all inside the ebook which you can access instantly here.

The realities of building a six-figure coaching business

Here are some of the realities of starting and building a six-figure coaching business that I learned and I am not shy to share in full, unfiltered glory. This is what you have to look forward to inside the ebook and more.

#1 While a six-figure number sounds exciting, building a highly profitable coaching business is no easy feat. Well, it's pretty easy but I want you to know of the challenges and obstacles and you'll need to pack your resilience for the journey.

#2 The tech learning curves and growing pains of figuring out funnels, email marketing, ads, and more from scratch. Having been a digital agency owner, this came easier to me but don't get stuck in the tyranny of how. There's nothing that can be figured out or solved with a Google search or YouTube video. To make it easy I'll show you the exact tech stack I used.

#3 The mindset obstacles of transitioning from a corporate job to selling yourself and your expertise are real. I had some cringe-worthy "faceplant" moments on sales calls but a growth mindset will keep you going.

#4 The costly mistakes I made by not trusting my gut instinct, like hiring shady business development agencies that were total scams.

#5 The personal struggles of balancing client work while staying true to my own boundaries and self-care needs as an introvert.

If you want to know exactly how I went about building a six-figure coaching business in six months, get your copy of the raw, unfiltered "The Path to $100k Profits" ebook. It will be a fiver well spent if you're starting out or you're on your journey and feel uncertain about what the heck you're doing.

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